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Updated: Oct 11, 2021

Now we thought that "PQ+EQ+IQ+AQ+SQ= I am a well-rounded person" seemed more interesting.

Balancing of IQ, EQ, AQ, PQ, SQ (Denial Goleman) Human race has progressed because of innumerable innovations. With each innovation, the level of comfort enjoyed is higher. But are we really happier? Although we have made materialistic progress and have too many comforts compared to previous generations, are we contented? Here is where spirituality helps us to find our inner peace. Long and healthy life is important for any individual. Ill-health can halt one's progress, even if one succeeds materialistically and in social recognition. We see very successful people suffering from heart diseases, blood pressure, or diabetes. A happy individual is healthier and builds a happy family, happy workplace, and society. Spiritual quotient (SQ) is becoming important in business organizations. It looks as though a kind of spiritual revival is sweeping across the corporate world, and companies are laying emphasis on SQ in addition to intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ). Organizations are understanding the importance of employers and employees trusting each other so that the customers also trust them.


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