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Importance of Thought

Updated: Oct 11, 2021

Thoughts can make you, thoughts can brake you

THINKING is the most important job in management. How do we think? Where do we think? What do we think? Why do we think?. There can be many more similar questions on thinking. Although this book does not attempt to answer any such questions, it will trigger your mind to think because contained in it is the distilled wisdom of some of the finest minds of all ages. The mind can think positively or it can think negatively. In thinking, what matters most is your attitude. Now if you have to deal effectively with a problem, an opportunity, a note, a report, a letter or a write-up, you ought to be in a positive mood. Managing stress is one of the most significant concerns for our society today. Stress has become a modern-day epidemic. It affects everyone in one way or another. Whether in personal relationships, at work, or in carrying out our responsibilities, stress has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. One may not realize it, but stressful situations in themselves are not the cause of our strain and anxiety — it is our inability to handle them that stirs up a stress response. Thus, the stress we experience is dependent on our own inner psyche, and not on the external situation. That is what we have to learn to manage. The workshop shares many empowering tools to counter stress that will improve your quality of life and help you achieve success!


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